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Play Online Unreal Fill

In this game, you play as a swordsman. Your main tool is your sword, which you control with your mouse. As you move your mouse, the sword swings around on the screen. This makes the gameplay very interactive and fun, as it feels like you’re actually swinging the sword yourself.

Your objective is to hit flying shields that appear on the screen. These shields move around, so you need to be quick and precise with your movements. Every time you successfully hit a shield with your sword, you earn points. This adds a layer of challenge as you aim to hit as many shields as possible.

The game is timed, and you have 30 seconds to score as many points as you can. After the time is up, you can see your score. You also have the option to submit this score and see how you compare to other players. It’s a great way to challenge your friends and see who can swing their sword the most effectively!